What is digital marketing and How to start a digital marketing

With how accessible the Internet is today, businesses are realizing more and more that to survive in this digital age, they need to have a digital marketing strategy. Digital marketing is using channels (social media, your website, email, SEO, etc.) to get in touch with your target market and convert them into customers.

But when it comes to digital marketing, there needs to be more clarity. What is digital marketing, and how do I start it? As you can see, the confusion is actual. But fear not, as I am here to break it all down for you so you can get started on your path to digital marketing success!

What Is Digital Marketing?

All marketing activities carried out online are referred to as digital marketing, also known as online marketing. To interact with current and potential customers, businesses use digital channels like search engines, social media, email, and other websites. 

This also covers communication via display and banner ads, paid search engine marketing, email, video, and mobile advertising. Digital marketing is a technique that demands a lot of metrics to track your progress.

Why Digital Marketing Is Important?

Digital marketing is essential because it enables companies to connect with their target audience and turn them into clients. Additionally, it allows you to track results daily and make adjustments as necessary, and it is frequently more affordable than traditional advertising.     

A few key advantages of digital marketing include:

  • Cost-effective and faster: Digital marketing is cheaper and more measurable than traditional marketing. It’s often a good idea to mix digital and traditional marketing.
  • Better ROI: Because digital marketing is cheaper and more measurable, it’s easier to see your ROI or return on investment. Digital marketing allows you to measure the effects of your ad campaigns based on conversion and your website analytics. 
  • Visible and recorded: Digital marketing makes your business visible to your target market. This means you will be able to connect with them more accurately and see how effective your advertising is.
  • Measurable Results: Big companies can have real-time measurable results with digital marketing. With this, they can analyze the effectiveness of their advertising and adjust their marketing strategy accordingly.
  • High Reach: Reach is one of the most critical aspects of digital marketing. With a high reach, you can connect with your target market and keep in touch with them daily.

How To Start Digital Marketing?

Now that you know digital marketing, let’s talk about how to start your own business. Whether you’re looking for a job or just starting on your own, there are some steps you can take to get started.

Step 1: Learn Digital Marketing Fundamentals

Developing fundamental technical abilities in SEO, SEM, analytics, social media marketing and advertising, and email marketing is the first step in beginning a career in digital marketing.

Along with these, look for ways to demonstrate your proficiency in the numerous soft skills and transferable abilities required of a digital marketer, such as:

  • Strong writing voice, 
  • leadership
  • Consider the online environment

Suppose you’re trying to pick up experience with email marketing, SEO, analytics, social media marketing, advertising, or display advertising. In that case, it’s essential to be mindful of the tools you’re using and how they influence your performance.

Step 2: Learn How to Use Key Digital Marketing Tools

Once you’ve learned the basics, it’s time to learn how to use digital marketing tools. Digital marketing tools are the programs, apps, and websites that help you do your job as a digital marketer. 

This includes tools for analyzing and refining your campaigns, managing content marketing, email marketing automation, and social media management. 

Essential Digital Marketing Tools to Learn:

  • Google Analytics: Google Analytics helps you track how many people are looking at your site, how long they stay, what they do, what they click on, etc. According to these metrics, you can improve your digital marketing strategies.
  • Google Search Console (GSC): GSC lets you verify ownership of your site, see how your site appears in Google search results, and submit rich snippets to Google.  
  • Google Webmaster Tools: Webmaster Tools is a free suite of tools provided by Google to help you understand the performance of your website from an SEO perspective. 
  • Google Ads: Google Ads is a paid search advertising program by Google, which lets you display ads on your website and manage your campaigns. 
  • Mailchimp: Mailchimp is an email marketing platform allowing you to create campaigns and manage subscribers. It also serves as the foundation for your newsletter marketing efforts.
  • Ahrefs: Ahrefs is a premium SEO and keyword research tool. In addition to helping you find keywords and backlinks, it also gives you an overview of your site’s progress in terms of SEO.

Step 3: Build a Digital Marketing Portfolio

Putting together a portfolio is particularly difficult for digital marketers. Instead of having a list of work experience on your resume, you must demonstrate your skills in action. 

This means you have to create a sample website, write about your campaign strategy, or put together an online ad demonstrating how well you know the ins and outs of digital marketing. If you have yet to gain work experience, consider interning at a digital marketing agency or digital marketing firm to gain experience and showcase your skills.

Step 4: Develop Your Marketing Resume

As digital marketers, we often have to hire other people–whether it’s interns, employees, or vendors–to work with us. To be considered for these positions, you must build a strong marketing resume.

A marketing resume will showcase your experience and qualifications and show that you’ve learned how to communicate clearly and logically. As you develop your resume, try to add your  skills  into three categories:

  • Skills in marketing (including knowledge of software and other related to technology requirements)
  • Transferable skills (like writing experience, design-savvy, or sales, )
  • Adaptable skills (like problem-solving or leadership )

That way, you’re highlighting the skills you have that are transferable and adaptable to any position.

Step 5: Network to Make Connections in Marketing

Networking is one of the most valuable resources for any digital marketer. With a strong network, you can find jobs, get clients or new business leads, and discover new people to work with. To build your network, try to attend local networking events and connect with others in your field. 

As you connect with other marketers, share your knowledge and learn what they do. Not only will this help you build your skills by being in a community of like-minded people, but it will also help you recruit others to work with on projects or full-time positions


Digital marketing is one of the most significant growing fields right now. As digital marketers, we continuously monitor the progress of information technology, SEO, SEM, digital marketing and advertising, and other digital media tools.

As marketers, our role is to constantly learn how to optimize our strategies for the online landscape. We must stay informed and keep up-to-date on the latest trends to build a strong foundation for our business. 

So if you’re looking for a career in digital marketing, take some of these steps and create a strong foundation for your career.

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