Video Marketing Trends to Watch in 2023 and Beyond

Video marketing is the fastest-growing form of marketing. It has an ROI that is higher than other forms of digital marketing such as text, email, or social media. With more than 80% of online users favouring videos over text, when learning about a brand.

Video will rule the world of content strategies in 2023 and beyond . As the popularity of video marketing rises, so does the number of video marketing trends. To help you stay ahead of the game of marketing , video trends in 2023 to increase your brand awareness, sales, and overall success.

What is Video Marketing?

Video marketing uses videos to promote and market your product or service, boost engagement on your digital and social channels, inform your audience through a new medium, and increase brand awareness.

In simple terms, video marketing is about promoting your business and growing your brand.

Top 08 Video Marketing Trends to Watch in 2023

Live Video – Real-Time Marketing

Regarding video marketing trends to watch in 2023, live video should be at the top of the checklist. By embracing live video now, brands can increase engagement and gain a competitive advantage. Live video facilitates real-time marketing; brands can connect with customers and answer questions in real-time.

Brands use live video to broadcast product launches, share exclusive content, answer questions about their products or services, and promote events or brands. Live streaming is available on YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook. Live videos are the next best thing to in-person interaction, allowing brands to reach a wider audience worldwide.

User-generated videos – Important Tool for engaging customers

The video marketing trends 2023 are all about user-generated content (UGC), using, and engaging with your customers. The modern-day user is looking for more authentic video content. And this is where UGC comes into play. UGC is accessible and easy to produce.

Using your customer base to make videos – reviews, testimonials, unboxings, etc.- allows you to expand your reach and audience and be more authentic. Great UGC can funnel the viewer quickly toward the call to action, and in many cases, it can generate more sales leads than other forms of content.

Smartphone Production – important for Mobile Consumers

The rise of mobile users – young, tech-savvy, and with less patience – is driving the video marketing trends in 2023 To attract and retain the younger generation, the focus needs to shift from fixed-screen viewing to mobile users who are more likely to consume and engage with videos on their smartphones.

Using TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram Stories, and Facebook video (which is moving to a mobile-first/mobile-only platform), brands can direct their videos to their target audiences – or customers/clients.

AR/VR Videos – Exploring new avenues

Virtual and augmented reality (AR/VR) become another way for brands to engage online, which is a video marketing trend in 2023 An artificial environment created with software and presented to the user in a way that makes them forget about reality and accept it as accurate is called virtual reality (VR).

A live, direct, or indirect view of a physical, real-world environment that is enhanced by computer-generated sensory input like sound, video, graphics or GPS data is referred to as augmented reality (AR).

Both forms of technology offer new ways to view content and give advertisers new ways to reach customers through storytelling, engagement, and advertising. Exploring new avenues and utilizing VR for video marketing is a new way to engage with your audience via immersive content.

Interesting stories – new horizons of content creation

Customers are not just looking for a sale – they want to be inspired, entertained, and educated Exciting stories that can inspire customers and motivate them to engage by creating an emotional connection will be a video marketing trend in the next decade.

Establishing a deeper relationship with your audience allows you to create a brand experience that is memorable and meaningful. Stories are human; they connect us. And to stand out, brands need video marketing that connects on deeper levels.

How-to videos – simple and effective

Taking the concept of ‘storytelling’ one step further, how-to videos are a video marketing trend geared toward educating customers. In 2023, Creating how-to videos can help customers to understand the right use of the product or service, and might even help a customer decide to take action and convert to a lead/customer.

How-to videos can be helpful for both newbies and experienced people, as they help teach viewers about new things or ideas.

Shoppable Videos – Promoting Products and Services

Video marketing trends in 2023 – Shoppable videos – are the way to promote your products and services. Rather than sending them to a landing page (hopefully to convert them to customers), shoppers are provided with the product’s name, pricing information, and a link to make a purchase.

As more social media platforms allow videos to include direct calls to action as part of their video marketing strategy, shoppers can view and buy products with just one click.

Silent captioned videos – Engaging Audiences

Video marketing in 2023 will also include the concept of ‘silent’ captioning, making videos more interactive and appealing to audiences beyond just the spoken word. In crowded waiting areas, on public transportation, in stores and restaurants, and elsewhere, people can be seen watching videos on their smartphones.

Users can watch videos without disturbing those around them using silent captioned video ads. Making silent videos is an authentic way for businesses to interact with their customers and can be a more exciting and enjoyable form of advertising.


As we have seen, there are a great variety of video marketing trends in the next decade, all of which need to be identified and understood. But if you look closely enough, you can see that each direction brings opportunities for brands to reach out and connect with their audiences in new ways.

The video marketing trends in 2023 are not only available to large corporations – small and medium-sized companies can use these trends to stand out and connect with their audiences. As we move into the future with new and exciting technologies, brands must keep up with the changes and changes in video marketing to remain relevant and practical.

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